The Vacant Rental Program (VRP) is a grant program funded by the State of New York and administered by the Housing Trust Fund Corporation’s (HTFC) Office of Community Renewal (OCR). VRP is designed to support repairs and rehabilitation of vacant rental units and other vacant spaces to increase the supply of critically needed affordable apartments across Essex, Warren, and Washington Counties. The program aims to help owners of rental properties bring vacant units and spaces in small-scale properties back into productive use to create safe, quality, and affordable long-term rental units.
Applicant Requirements
Privacy Act Notice
This information in this application is to be used by the entity collecting it or its assignees in determining your qualifying for rehabilitation assistance under its program(s). It will not be disclosed outside the agency except as required by law. You do not have to provide this information, but if you do not your application for approval as a recipient under its program(s) may be delayed, limited, or rejected.
Non-Discrimination Policy
Federal and State Law prohibit discrimination on the basis of age, sex, race, national or ethnic origin, handicap or familial status. North Country Rural Development is committed to serving its community without discrimination, and will comply with all rules and regulations regarding Fair Housing, Equal Opportunity, and Minority and Small Business Participation. The following data is for statistical purposes only and will not be used by any local, state or federal agency in making decisions regarding assistance.